On Tuesday, September 10th, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay celebrated the official completion of their newest student housing facility, Cort Condon Hall, with a dedication ceremony. The residence hall is the largest on UWGB's campus and will house 200 students in suite-style rooms.
The building is named after Gerald C. “Cort” Condon, Jr., who played an instrumental role in the project’s planning, design and construction and serves on the board of University Village Housing, Inc., the private, non-profit group that was specially formed for the development of affordable student housing at UW-Green Bay.
Cort Condon Hall was constructed for second-year students aimed at offering a space to both live and learn with an array of shared lounge and recreation spaces. This building played an integral part in the University's focus to enhance on-campus living and has been constructed at the perfect time with student enrollment up 17% in the last four years.